Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Vume- Make money by posting pictures?

Make it. Post it. Profit
VuMe (pronounced "View Me"), pays you to upload your pictures to the site. You recieve $3.00 for every 1000 hits. Basically, the site makes money selling advertising and pays you a percentage of their income. I have just been exposed to the site and I've spent the last week testing out how profitable this could be for me.

As of this moment I have made: $.50
I have posted more than 25 images, see: my Vume profile, to see what I have posted there so far. At the current rate I am going, if I continue to add 10 pictures a week, I will end up with about $12.00 in one year. I have experimented with posting links to my images on digg.com, and also by posting bulletins on myspace.com . I have generated an extra 40-60 hits by advertising the image. However, it is far too much work to do this for each image for a profit of under $.25 .

Vume vs Photobucket

On vume it is not very profitable to post pictures, even if you worked really hard at posting good pictures and advertising them. However, Vume is a free service, and allows you unlimited space to upload images, audio, blog and video. I suggest using Vume as a substitute for Photobucket.com, because with vume you'll slwoly make a few dollars.

Will Vume last?

Sites like this tend to lose steam, or start taking away profits once enough people are streaming in to the site. Therefore, I don't think vume will stay a profitable place for very long. Take advantage of it while you can. If you have questions about my ongoing experience with Vume, please ask. I will post any exciting results with my online relationship with Vume.

Join Vume here

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