Monday, August 18, 2008

Living forever: part one

the reason to live forever

Why not live forever? Living forever is simply surviving. All creatures on this earth do everthing they can to survive, why should we be any different? We should not accept death as the outcome of a life lived. We need to cure death, and it starts with perception, followed by desire. Immortality is simply surviving death. Evolution is simply survival, eating your own young or allowing young to eat you is an example of animals surviving, killing other threats and procreatiing is survival. If we focus our energy and research on life and I can live forever. As immortals we can accomplish all the things we wish we had time for in our current limited situation.

Simply by adopting the attitude that you have the CHANCE to live forever,
will result in better decisions about your health, your treatment of others, your care of the earth, and energize your thirst for knowledge. Immortality will only happen with your hard work. there will be unbelievers and people who simply do not want to live forever (I have had some very valid debates with people on why they would not want to live forever) which is fine.

There are endless amounts of problems in this world, tons of research left to be done and inventions and creations to be made. The choice to strive for immortality, is a choice to make the life you live, and the world you live in a good one. Time can create happiness, as you will quickly understand that you have full control of your own future. Immortality is for those that are happy or wish to be happy with their lives.

read.....Part Two: Death

Parts Three & Four

In the next few weeks I will be posting parts three and four of my immortality blog series. These will cover the concepts of the problems with immortality, focus on the green, the solutions and the future.


Anonymous said...

pro life extension blogs are great. Keep it up, and mention everywhere you can. It helps raise the sites ranking so we can get this crucial cause to grow in time for us all.

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot, and nominate this project, spread this everywhere, we have two weeks:

Methuselah Foundation needs your help now. We are supporting a project called "Undergrads Fighting Age Related Disease" which has been submitted as part of the American Express Members Project initiative. We ask that you go to and nominate this project; the winners will share US $2.5 million in funding. You don't need to be an Amex card holder. It's free, and should take less than 5 minutes to finish.

We need to raise more than 2000 votes in the next 2 weeks - by Sept 1, 2008 - so please support this effort and vote now. This is open to US residents only. Instructions:

1. Go here:

2.a. If you are not an American Express Card Member:
- Click on "Guest Members Log In" in the upper right corner of the page. Then click on "Guest Members Sign Up Here" at the bottom of the next page.
-- or --
2.b. If you are an American Express Card Member:
- Click on "Cardmembers Log In" on the right side of the page. If you don't already have a login account, click on "Create a Log In" on the next page.

3. Complete the registration form; you will then be issued your login ID.

4. Once you are logged into the Members Project, you can either
- a) enter "Undergrads Fighting Age Related Disease" in Search, or
- b) click on "Health" then "Diseases and Disorders" at the bottom right of the page, and scroll down to "Undergrads Fighting Age Related Disease".

5. Click on the project name, and then click on the "Nominate this Project" button. Finally, click on "Post Your Comments" at the bottom of the screen, since discussion board activity counts favorably as a factor towards nomination of the top 25 projects.

Thank you for your support,
Methuselah Foundation

meeting at imminst for this tomorrow, 4pm cst time, wednesdays

Unknown said...

A couple technical comments:

"ive" should be spelled "I've"

"extention" should be spelled "extension".

Great job explaining why it would be personally desirable to live forever. You should also come up with some of the reason why society would benefit. Such as, less health care costs, less suffering, more respect for life and a more peaceful planet, yada, yada, yada...

Anonymous said...

Good heavens - another blog about immortality! (or includes it, anyway) I can't believe it!

Great job - I'm off to read your other posts now

Cheers - Robin

hgh said...

Great blog about immortality, keep up the good work.